Youth Employment Initiative
Welcome into the world of Supported employment for young people!
This project (2020-2-МК01-КА205-077976) has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + programme).
Start date: 01 September 2020
End date: 30 June 2022
Duration: 22 months
Our partners
About project YEI

Rational of project


Target Groups

Expected Outcomes

Youth Employment in Romania after COVID -19
The beginning of 2020 brought an unprecedented phenomenon for the whole world, namely theCOVID-19 pandemic that definitely affected most aspects of our life, the economic sector beingone of them.While the pandemic affected all economic sectors, it severely impacted...

The project, YEI Тeam and Youth Employment Services
North Macedonia's, Italy's, and Romania's labor markets are characterized by poor economic activity and high unemployment rates, especially among youth. The current COVID-19 pandemic only serves to accentuate this trend. Young people, in particular, were and will be...

Soft skills- an essential part of getting and keeping a job
More and more often you can come across that soft skills are becoming essential and important to the employers and that is because in most of the business you are or will be, the first contact with the clients. If hard skills or...
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