by Martina Stancheska | Nov 14, 2020 | Associazione
Asociatia Tineri pentru Comunitate Bistrita (Associazione Giovani della Comunità Bistrita) è stata fondata nell’aprile 2013 da un gruppo di giovani desideroso di realizzare progetti per la promozione della cittadinanza attiva attraverso lo sviluppo personale e...
by Martina Stancheska | Nov 2, 2020 | Partnership
Asociatia Tineri pentru Comunitate Bistrita (Youth for the Community Association Bistrita) was founded in April 2013 by a group of young people who wanted to carry out their own projects that aim at promoting the active citizenship of youth through personal...
by Martina Stancheska | Nov 2, 2020 | Partnership
Association for rural development Local Action Group AGRO LIDER (LAG AGRO LIDER) is an NGO founded in 2014 with aim to improve quality of life of people in rural areas. This organization attempts to increase opportunities for people from rural areas in field of the...