At the same time, it cannot be denied that if we have communication skills, it can significantly affect the quality of our work. Thanks to the commitment, charisma and communicativeness mentioned here, we cooperate better with others, we can motivate ourselves more, we are more effective, which undoubtedly affects our happiness and self-well-being. Employers are becoming aware that this skill can affect the work of the entire company, which is why they increasingly focus so clearly on soft competencies (including communication skills), i.e. those that cannot be measured.
What exactly are communication skills, so often emphasized by employers? Why are they important to our personal development and the employer’s development? What are communication skills?
Communication skills are all the skills that help us connect with another person and maintain it at the appropriate level. For this to happen, many components of these abilities are needed.

We must be aware that communication is a very complex skill.
Proper formulation of messages, communication skills, flexibility in the narrative formulation of tasks and messages related to work and its organization – these are just some of the advantages of communication and we have certainly come across them in job offers so many times for a good reason. If we have communication skills, we cooperate better, more efficiently, we avoid understatements and embarrassment, and this affects the entire atmosphere of the workplace, which for many of us is key in terms of motivation or commitment to the entrusted tasks.
These skills are not helpful only in making contacts. A communicative person, can listen well, understands what the other has to say, and additionally creates understandable messages – not only oral but also written. It adapts the language to the recipient or group of recipients and creates a message in such a way that no one has any doubts what it means.
Communication skills also include teamwork – many projects can be performed as a team, so proper cooperation is the key. We have to get along with others, show openness, be able to talk, not impose our opinion on others and, above all, not delay the work of the whole group. A very important communication skill is also conflict resolution and adaptation, taking into account the fact that in our work we sometimes change department, position, we appear in a new office, we get to know another environment.
Communication skills can already be used during an interview, but if we decide to include these skills in our CV, we must be sure that we can confirm them immediately. Communication skills are more and more important for employers, so it is worth remembering about them when building our CV or portfolio, and practising them, as well. Thanks to this, we can become a much better person and an employee!
Zvonko Dimoski
Local Action Group AGRO LIDER