by fichorski | Mar 10, 2021 | News
Change is an integral part of our everyday life and often creates fear, disturbances, and forces young people to act or think about their current and even more importantly their future situation. In the process of change there are two basic forces that clash –...
by fichorski | Feb 23, 2021 | News
Traditionally, organizations and companies were managed with an ethnocentric approach to culture, which assumes that every society has the same basic values and goals that characterize Western countries. But the experience from the globalization and migrations proves...
by fichorski | Feb 17, 2021 | News
In the times that we live now, our life success does not depend solely on our knowledge, experience and skills. Often it is not only related to our skills, but … to our self-confidence. What is self-confidence? Opposite of what might be taken for a common...
by fichorski | Feb 3, 2021 | News
In most of the jobs we do, we work in teams. It is practically difficult to imagine a position where we would not have to cooperate with anyone. Even if we do not work directly with our colleagues, we cooperate with the manager or the client. The ability to work in a...
by fichorski | Jan 26, 2021 | News
It is widely known that, in Europe, young people were one of the categories highly affected by the economical crises.As regards the situation of young graduates and their extent of absorption on the labour market in Romania, the situation is not so good according to...
by fichorski | Jan 22, 2021 | News
In the last decade especially, we often listen from the people around us and the job recruiters, we constantly read in surveys and newspapers and children are being thought at schools, about the importance of the so-called soft skills. In many professions, it is...